
传媒的范畴分为偏重理论研究的传播学理论,媒体研究;偏重实践的传统分支新闻,广告,公关;偏重实践的管理项目传播管理和 媒体管理;以及将传媒与市场营销相结合的项目,整合营销传播和将传媒理论与新媒体等高新传媒技术相结合的跨学科项目传播,文化与技术。




软性背景: 有一定的科研履历者优先



phase 1:课题基础知识学习,课程+文献阅读

phase 2:确定研究课题,讨论研究思路以及研究进展

phase 3:汇报答辩+报告撰写



Social Media, Social Networks, and Social Capital

The Internet and new media technologies have revolutionized the production, dissemination and use of information. As people encounter flows of information from multiple sources, scholars begin to worry about the potential echo chamber effect.

The potential impacts of algorithm and recommendation system that are widely adopted by new media platforms increase this scholarly concern because those computational techniques tend to provide people with their preferred information, isolating them in their filter bubbles.

The convenience of connecting with others on social media also raises similar anxiety because people’s socialization is mainly homophily-driven. Looking into these questions can help us understand more basic social phenomena in our daily life such as why and how people use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Weibo, WeChat etc.

Communication and Technology

Major schools of Journalism and Communication in China are expanding their research focusvand curriculum to Science Communication, Health Communication, Risk Communicationvetc. These subfields have been studied for a relatively long time in American academia andvhave been found to support important social developments in a society. The development ofvthese subfields is closely related to innovation and technology.

This workshop will serve asvthe foundational introduction to Communication studies, technologies and innovations. In particular, we will begin by introducing the basic goals of different subfields of Communication studies.

Next, we will discuss how the development of technology lead to innovative communication practices and findings that shape our daily life. Finally, we will explore the ways in which human communication is altering social and institutional structures, such as the creation of public goods, new means of social protest, and the infiltration of surveillance into daily life.


◆ 深入学习该领域知识和研究方法,积累科研经历和经验;

◆ 完成学术科研报告或者科研论文;

◆ 优秀学员将获得导师推荐信,助力世界名校申请;

◆ 学术成果有机会在专业国际学术期刊或EI/CPCI国际会议收录发表;